Unmanned System Control Station Analysis

iRobot’s uPoint Multi-Robot Control (MRC) software is an Android based application for touch screen tablet devices, capable of running any Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) (also referred to herein as “robot”) manufactured by iRobot (iRobot, 2014).  The software runs on any Android based handheld tablet device and offers an intuitive touch screen interface designed for ease of use during “high-stress, critical operations” according to Frank Wilson, senior vice president and general manager of the Defense and Security Unit at iRobot (iRobot, 2014).  The use of an application as opposed to a propitiatory hardware based controller takes advantage of the computing power of modern mobile devices and enables the end user to select the Android tablet that most suits their need or application.  Additionally, it empowers the user with an all-in- one device (UGV control, business software, email, mapping tools) that is cost effective to upgrade or replace compared to traditional bulky and expensive Ground Control Stations (GCS) (Szondy, 2014).  iRobot also offers an Android and iOS cloud-based application for observing the mission in real time, and all collected data is uploaded to a secure cloud based server for post data analysis (Ulanoff, 2014).

 iRobot. (2014). uPoint Interface [digital image]. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2014/10/09/irobot-upoint-tablet-play/#UrbUwappDGqI.

uPoint MRC presents data in an intuitive and simple manner on a tablet.  Utilizing a landscape format, the left side of the display (about 70% of the total display) depicts the view from the camera or cameras mounted onboard the robot.  The right side of the display (the remaining 30%) is split into upper and lower sections, with the upper section showing selectable views consisting of either a 3D depiction (avatar) of the robot showing the relative position of the robotic arm and camera look angle and direction, a map view of the operating area with the robot’s and operator’s locations displayed, or a tools menu.  The lower half of the right side of the display consists of a virtual joystick control interface that can be used to control the motion of the robotic arm or the camera mounted on the arm (Ulanoff, 2014).  Running along the top of the tablet screen is an information center which displays the number of iRobot UGVs connected to the network, the name of the UGV currently under operator control (uPoint MRC features the ability to switch control of networked UGVs), remaining run time and battery life, and status of onboard sensors and systems utilizing easily identifiable red, amber, and green status indicators.  This simplified display eliminates the complexity of the legacy iRobot GCS which consisted of a “physical joystick, a small screen, and a variety of separate controls for features such as an arm, grabber and sensors;” the complexity of these controls increased with the addition of onboard sensors to suit specific mission needs (Ulanoff, 2014).

Ulanoff, L. (2014). iRobot uPoint and Packbot [digital image]. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2014/10/09/irobot-upoint-tablet-play/#UrbUwappDGqI.

uPoint MRC utilizes an intuitive user interface for control of the variety of robots offered by iRobot.  Autonomous navigation is accomplished utilizing an autonomous vector drive that holds a given heading and speed (iRobot, 2014).  Manual navigation is accomplished utilizing the virtual joystick, touching and dragging on the view screen to direct the robot to move to a new location, or by tilting the tablet in the desired direction, much like a game on a mobile device (Szondy, 2014; AUVSI, 2015).  In manual and autonomous mode speed can be changed simply by selecting slow, medium, or fast from the tablet display screen.  Predictive drive lines are displayed on the video feed to aid the operator in navigating around closely spaced objects, much like the predictive lines utilized on some vehicle backup cameras (iRobot, 2014).  Control of the robotic arm is accomplished either through the use of the virtual joystick or by manipulating the arm shown on the 3D view of the robot (Ulanoff, 2014).  

One of the negative issues with the current system design is the lack of a collision detection and avoidance system for the robot or uPoint MRC.  As a result, the operator is solely responsible for collision avoidance, reducing the practicality of the autonomous navigation mode (heading and speed hold) in all but relatively open environments Ulanoff, 2014).  The addition of collision avoidance sensors (stereo vison or laser rangefinders) would enable the robot to stop on its own if confronted with an obstacle while in autonomous navigation mode.  The addition of a haptic vibration feedback capability could be utilized to alert the operator to the presence of an obstacle while navigating in manual control mode, where the frequency of the vibration would be increased in proportion to the decrease in the remaining distance to the obstacle.  Haptic feedback could also be utilized to alert the operator when the robot’s battery reached a critical percentage.  This would enable the operator to safely recover the robot before the battery was fully depleted. 


AUVSI 2015: iRobot enhances control system, completes Canadian CBRNe system order. (2015). Retrieved from https://janes-ihs-com.ezproxy.libproxy.db.erau.edu/International DefenceReview/DisplayFile/idr17638?edition=2015.

iRobot Corp. (2014, October 9). iRobot Unveils Its First Multi-Robot Tablet Controller for First Responders, Defense Forces and Industrial Customers. Retrieved from http://media. irobot.com/2014-10-09-iRobot-Unveils-Its-First-Multi-Robot-Tablet-Controller-for-First-Responders-Defense-Forces-and-Industrial-Customers. 

Szondy, D. (2014, October 15). iRobot unveils one tablet-based control system to rule them all. Retrieved from https://newatlas.com/irobot-upoint/34222/. 

Ulanoff, L. (2014, October 9). iRobot uPoint Turns Military Robot Control Into Tablet Play. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2014/10/09/irobot-upoint-tablet-play/#UrbUwapp DGqI.


  1. John, great post! This looks like a much better and more user friendly controller than the old one. I didn't get to use the legacy controller, but I did see it. I agree that obstacle avoidance would be an excellent additive to this GCS.

    Cortney A


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